Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!

We are all familiar with the “3 R’s” of recycling. . . reduce, reuse, and recycle. But did you know that there are more “R’s” to live by that would help to greatly reduce your footprint on Mother Earth? Here are just a few:

“Refuse” might sound harsh, but, if more consumers refused to purchase items that are over packaged or made so cheaply that they would have to replace them often, manufactures will start to be a little more responsible in their manufacturing and marketing practices.

“Repurpose” items that no longer are fit for their intended use but still have life left in them. For example, old t-shirts make good cleaning rags, can be cut up and sewn together in a quilt, or even turned in to pet toys.

“Repair” items that are broken. The lost art of repairing items means that all too often items that could be easily repaired are tossed in the trash when only a few minutes of time and just a little skill could buy years of continued usefulness. YouTube has many “fix it” videos which can be very helpful, such as how to sew on a button, repair a zipper, broken ceramics. . .you name it, YouTube has a fix it video for it.

“Remove” your name from vendors sending you endless pieces of junk mail. A little time on the phone or internet will save a forest of trees. There are several websites that can help you with this process.

“Research” your purchases. Can you purchase a version made from recycled material? Does your item have a reputation for lasting a long time or will it fall apart after a few uses? Will you have a need or use for this item over a reasonable span of time?

“Responsibility” for the proper disposal of waste lies on us all. There is no getting around it, we all are responsible to keeping our world clean and green.

“Reuse” of course, everything that you can possibly reuse, over and over again, until there is no more life left in it. Then, of course, dispose of properly!

“Reduce” may be the most important of the traditional 3 R’s. Most Americans generate around 5 pounds of trash per day. What if we could reduce that number to 3 pounds?

“Recycle Right!”  No wishcycling for you! If you aren’t sure an item can be recycled, it is best to put it in trash. We are happy to help you figure out how to properly dispose of unwanted items at the Recycling District business office. Also see


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